Tomorrow my mom and I will take a plane to a place 4,297 km away from Mexico, to the small island in the Caribbean called Antigua (Part of the country Antigua and Barbuda). I’ve already packed my bags with everything I need; clothes, my computer, a book and most importantly, my favorite board game; Catan. But why bring a board game on a trip where it’s only me and my mom taking the flight? Well, it’s because Antigua is not my final destination. Just two days after I arrive, my mom will drop me off at the Ocean Star vessel where I will start an eighty-day trip around the Caribbean.
Alongside sixteen other young people, I will become part of a crew that will sail for almost three months. During storms, during the cold; It will be up to us to get to the next island. I will have to navigate, cook, clean and help with anything the crew might need. Not only that, but as we travel we will study
different subjects related to the sea. Marine biology, oceanography, sailing science, etc. To say this experience is out of my comfort zone is an understatement, this trip is something I never thought I would do in my entire life. I still can’t believe I’m doing this, and even though I’m excited, I’m also really nervous. Whatever happens on that ship, there’s no turning back; And If for whatever reason I don’t feel comfortable, there will be nothing I can do when I’m in the middle of the ocean. If I want to make it through this, I will have to be the best version of myself. Brave, committed, disciplined, and ready for whatever might come. I will have to trust myself, but most importantly; I will have to trust others too. And sometimes, that can be a hard thing to do.
I feel like as the world opens up to me with all its flaws, I keep questioning my surroundings a lot, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. That is why I want to go out to the sea. I want to explore people and get a bigger understanding of what it means to be human. Being stuck on a ship with a lot of strangers might give me the insight I need to create my own criteria on what that means. I want to make friends with people I thought I never would. I want to learn to let go, and be present. and enjoy whatever might come. Beyond anything else this experience might bring, what I really want out of this is the ability to open up to life not without fear, but with more confidence in myself.
I can’t wait to meet my crewmates that at some point will become my family. I’m excited to go to all these different islands, and meet the people that live there; I wonder how different we are, but especially how similar we could be.
That’s why I’m bringing a board game. I know that I will make new friends, and I want something to enjoy with them. During the stargazed nights, under the warm sun, and even during stormy weeks; I’ll try my absolute best to enjoy my time. These are the places I will visit:


Antigua and Barbuda

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

St. Lucia

Martinique and Guadeloupe


St. Kitts and Nevis

Saba and St. Eustastius

St. Barths
I will miss my mom, my dad, my sister, and my friends; I’m not used to being on my own for so long. But I know that I will make memories that will last for a lifetime; and honestly, I can’t wait.

I find it AMAZING that you post your journey here! It is a really inspiring gesture to all of us who are still trying to figure out what to do with our paths!
Cheers from a Brazilian nakama!
Hey Iñaki!
I love your website, it’s really inspiring! I’m currently working on making my own so, it’s cool to see yours. Having grown up as an international kid, I felt really drawn to your international adventures, and the love for using storytelling to bring people together!! I wish to do the same 🙂 You really do embody the spirit of Luffy!
Keep at it and goodluck with everything!
Yo también, pero con la diferencia de que mi blog se tratará de libros y bloqueo de escritor. Igualmente me sentí atraída por sus historias, y más porque parece ser un chico sano.
Iñaki, no tengo ni una sola duda de que tienes un gran corazón. No sabes lo que tus posts con tu gran sonrisa me causan. De verdad espero que Dios te conceda muchas más aventuras porque una alma amable como la tuya lo merece!
Iñaki, tenemos técnicamente la misma edad y me sorprende gratamente ver cuán lejos has llegado, me inspira tu valentía y tu alegría hacia la vida y hacia tu carrera.
Todos tus personajes me han gustado muchísimo y me han sacado sonrisas (especialmente con Luffy, mi personaje favorito de todos los tiempos al que diste vida y al que nunca pensé que vería en la vida real, soy una gran fan desde hace 6 años y tú me trajiste la felicidad más grande con él, estaré eternamente agradecida contigo por eso, de verdad, eres el Luffy perfecto) o me han dado un poco de miedo (hablo de Fausto), provocas emociones en la gente, provocas que el cine tenga ese significado que tanto me gusta sentir en una pantalla de cine o de televisión.
Te admiro, como persona y como actor, tus palabras y sonrisas me inspiran a seguir mi carrera (porque a veces es difícil pero tienes razón, vale la pena pasar por esos momentos cuando amas lo que haces).
El mundo es un lugar mejor teniéndote a ti, eres una de esas personas que lo sanan y hacen que pienses que la humanidad tiene sentido, eres como un cálido sol en medio de la tormenta.
Te estaré apoyando como fan hasta el final, ansío platicar de tus proyectos como director en algún futuro con mis amigos y de contarles entre lágrimas de emoción (porque también he llorado de emoción con tus personajes) acerca de mí actor favorito de todos los tiempos. Sigue haciéndonos sentir mucho, por favor. Y gracias.
Por cierto, ¿qué libro fue tu compañero de viaje?
You’re so crazy cool and inspiring, both as an actor and a human! Thats all I’m able to think off and just write down. The way your acting performances inspire me, I can’t put it into words.
Iñaki, keep on doing your thing. You are an inspiration, Captain!
-The Maskali
Iñaki gracias por compartir tu entusiasmo, me llenas de inspiración ! recuerdo ver el live de cuando regresaste. ¿escuchaste alguna música en el viaje? :^)
Saludos !
Yooo! Iñaki, your biography was just inspiring also i finished watching the live-action One Piece and i was just shooked on how great you act and carry yourself! I Wish to see you do great things as you have been! – Dallas Tx
Que asombroso! De verdad que leyendo tu biografía, este blog y tus fotos me sorprende lo bien que escribes y te expresas. Te aplaudo y te sigo en este camino. Estas haciendo historia Iñaki y me siento muy feliz por ti 🍀
Keep it up hehe 🩷 One day at a time and be kind to yourself 🩷
Luv and kisses from a brazilian nakama!
If one day you come to France, we’ll go and have a beer, Inaki?
bro you are so cool
Olá iñaki.Primeiramente, parabéns pelo luffy!
Não sei se eu teria coragem de ficar tantos dias no mar, mas achei bem legal seu interesse de conhecer pessoas e aprofundar seus conhecimentos através disso.Me identifico em certos pontos, porém tenho curiosidade em culturas e como que cada uma influencia na percepção do indivíduo, como somos diversos e isso é interessante.
Espero que dê tudo certo em seu crescimento e desenvolvimento.Deus abençoe.
“A life of adventure is far more pleasurable than a life of solitude”
This might be a huge message from a optimistic storyteller to another, but nonetheless I hope you read and connect to this message. Growing up, all I ever wanted to do was to be the best writer/ storyteller that there ever was. I would write and preform stories to my classmates and friends in hopes of sending a message and giving them a piece of my world. Similar to you, storytelling is my life but I am not fortunate enough (like yourself) to have supportive parents that agree that writing and wanting to act/ create books/ films are worth more than being a doctor or a lawyer. Even though this is the case, I continue to follow my heart despite the anxieties of not knowing what will come next (I guess this is an adventure itself). I love to show the world messages such as friendship and bring a bit of optimism in their life. I also think that storytelling can help people feel less alone in their struggles and make fictional friends that can keep them company through their stresses.
I guess I am writing this message to say that I feel like we are both in the same boat, and that the way you have explained your passions to reach your dreams have given me the confidence to continue wanting to be my authentic self. I am around your age and a very optimistic and outgoing person, and because I see someone that is quite similar to me in personality and goals, I am also inspired to continue expressing my authentic (guess I love this word lol) self despite the negative voices of others that complain that I am too loud and energetic ha.
For your above message, I am very envious (not in the evil way, in the way where I am like WOAH THIS IS COOL), in your new adventure. I also suffer from anxiety when it comes to going places by myself especially because my sibling is my best friend and I always love spending time with them. But I need to also step out of my comfort zone and explore which is easier said then done. I guess anxieties come from feeling that your family/friends will experience things without you. There is also the feeling that you are missing time you can be with them when you go out and travel. I am yet to take the leap that you did. I need to soon because there is no growth without change. I also guess that if the path is easy it probably is the wrong path. The harder paths are the most accurate and best ones to take. Staying home and dwelling on dreams are much easier than going and pursing them. That is why when you actually do them, you end up getting a better result in life (Said from me, a hypocrite that is yet to once again do this lol)
Anyways, I probably hurt your eyes while you read this. I will be sure to check this blog and support a fellow writer and person who is so willing to help others. I guess I want to let you know that you aren’t alone with who you are and how you feel. Even though you may not show it (I do this all the time since usually my go to is a smile and a laugh), sometimes we can feel alone. But know that me (your virtual responded to this blog) can relate to you and your anxieties and dreams.
I will be creating my own blog (after I figure out how to patent my own writing and make it my own lol) and I’ll be sure to comment it for you when I get it. I hope you can also be a supporter of my work. As someone that is yet to say hello to the industry, maybe one day I’ll have you or you can even use me in your future works. I’ll make sure to try and let you know when I have a viable (after many many MANY edits lol) book/ writing that you can be involved in.
From a fellow crew mate across the sea that may be virtually (writing) in touch soon,
Luna 🙂
P.S: If one piece needs aspiring actresses, you also know who to call, a helpless dreamer that isn’t so far away on an adventure on her own 🙂
“A friend can be any type, from those online, to those in person, to those you can be vulnerable with, and to those that you simply say hello to. A friend can even be a book”
Hi Luna, i feel like i see myself writing when i see your comment (yes, i also LOVE writing), your perspective, feelings, thoughts, and the way you just write down word by word is.. so me! We are.. similar!😭🥹 (but well.. english isn’t my first language so i do grammatical mistakes ALOT (i think that’s our only difference) Nice to know you by the way^^
I am probably late but I wish you the best of luck. I hope that you have made lots of friends/
ps. you are the best luffy
Inaki whenever you are free you should play Roblox, and some COD
Hola Iñaki, espero que disfrutes mucho de tu viaje, conozcas personas y lugares maravillosos. Es muy hermoso poder documentar las emociones que conlleva una experiencia nueva, y desde mi lugar me emociona leer el entusiasmo y alegría que desprendes, te conozco hace poco pero te veo muy transparente, talentoso y alegre, es bueno conocer a personas como vos qué te transmiten alegría y buenas vibras cuando tal vez uno no está en su mejor momento.
Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia, ansió ver cómo continúa tu viaje =D
You’re such a wholesome and sweet person Inaki, I love reading these blogs cuz it really shows that You’re truly golden at heart and You’re website is wonderful I loved going through your projects and your pictures and stuff, always keep this up and I’ll always keep reading. Much love❤️❤️❤️
I hope it was an amazing adventure!
Thank you Inaki for giving inspiration and hope for people to continue writing on blogs. People these days are uninterested with reading and I’m glad that you’re being an inspiration to all of the blog writers out there!!
This is inspiring dude !! Keep up and never change,your energy is contagious and it’s Amazing
You must’ve really enjoyed yourself it’s a real vacation over in the Caribbean!
You inspire me 🤍
“… what I really want out of this is the ability to open up to life not without fear, but with more confidence in myself.” Ugh I teared up reading that line, I resonate with it so much. Thank you for such refreshing and honest words. Love that you took this journey and I can’t wait to read more about it!
This is insane, and I’m jealous but happy for you. Being aboard a ship seems like such a rich experience after reading your blog posts and what I know from One Piece and other media. I’m so glad you got this opportunity. Love from Washington D.C.
Hello iñaki I admire you so much. I have finished reading your biography. I came to read this thread today. I know that you are doing your best to achieve your goals. I was very lucky to have found this blog. For seeing your warm and genuine heart here. I first saw you in One piece live action and got to know and like you as a very active and happy boy. Now I like you more. Sometimes you may encounter difficulties, but don’t give up and keep trying. I will always support you. I love you so much.
Sigue escribiendo!
¡Ha sido genial seguirte aquí!
Kiki is always amazing. I love you. Greetings from Venice!
inaki i love your spirit, your courage to try new things and to do what you want to do and take the risk of it , one day i hope i can try a simlar adventure and learn from it the things i need for myself and have fun as well with new people
and i really can’t belive how much you actually are like Luffy in a lot of things ! , which i find so amazing 🤍 i MEAN ! you’re supposed to be the pirate king after this adventure XD
Greetings from venice. It’s always me, Enrico. I love you
Hey Iñaki❤️
Hey, from Australia! 👋🇦🇺
You’re definitely a writer. Keep these posts coming! They’re so good!
Kiki, you are a brother to me ❤️
Kiki, you are a brother to me ❤️
Hello this is Vaiga from India 🇮🇳.I am really inspired by your blog.I read your whole biography before coming to your blog and your are like a elder brother to me.
Hello this is Vaiga from India 🇮🇳. You are like a elder brother to me.I am really inspired by your story.