It’s hard to remember the time when my sister used to have hair. Most of my memories start when she was diagnosed with Alopecia at just three years old (I was four). Alopecia is a condition that generates loss of hair. There are three types of Alopecia: Alopecia areata, totalis and universalis. My sister has alopecia universalis, which is the type of alopecia where you lose all of your hair. All of it, even eyebrows and eyelashes. Is not dangerous. It doesn’t affect your health whatsoever, it just gets rid of the hair. And there is not a cure yet.
At the time, I didn’t realize that not having hair (especially for a girl) was uncommon. However, as I started to become more aware of my surroundings, I realized there were no bald dolls, no bald girls on TV or at school… I noticed people around us staring at my sister, whispering between them, looking away, and then staring right back. It didn’t take me long to figure out why that happened. She was unique, and she had no hair, of course she would generate curiosity around her. I never felt uncomfortable by the attention; most people were not being rude. They were just shocked to see a girl like that. And every time I interacted with my sister, she always had a smile on her face, which made me think she had no issue with being different. However, there was a lot that I didn’t know about.
Once I was a little bit older, my mother told me that she found my sister (when she was little) in the bathtub with a bottle of glue. She was trying to paste the little hair she had left back on to her head, so she could play with the girls at school because princesses were not bald. I imagined some kids would be mean because she wasn’t like them, but that didn´t surprise me. What really caught me off guard was seeing Mia being so affected by it. I never realized that having no hair was causing her enough pain to hurt herself like that. I didn´t understand why she would care so much about what people at school thought when she had our family to support her. However, my mother made me understand this wasn’t just about those girls. It was about everything else. For most of us, inside and outside of school, Mia was the only bald girl we knew, and even though not everyone was rude to her for that, she just didn’t fit in. Every day, someone would stare at her and remind her that she was not normal. And for a very long time, my sister felt as if something was wrong with that.
Mia tried a few treatments to grow hair again, but nothing ever worked and even if she made some progress she would always go back to the beginning. Knowing there was nothing to do was not easy on our family, you don’t ever want someone you love to feel like they don’t belong. But when we realized there was no hope for a cure, we understood this would be something that Mia had to learn how to live with.
She continued going to school, making friends, and living a normal life. We never let her have pity on herself for looking different, she had to keep moving forward, even with the awkward looks. Sometimes she would wear a wig, but it didn’t feel right, at least not back then. It felt as if she was trying to hide her true self because the bald version of her was not good enough. That’s why my mom never encouraged her to wear wigs, although that changed with time. Mia had to understand that not only was okay for her to be different, but that beyond that, she was beautiful in her own unique way. Feeling pretty was just as important to Mia as to any other girl, and back then there were not a lot of bald women to look up to in Mexico, or at least not that we knew of. My sister saw an opportunity in this. She realized that the looks that bothered her so much came from a place of ignorance. People were not used to seeing bald girls, but maybe if they were, it wouldn’t have to be something weird at all. This is what inspired her to create a blog alongside my mom, in hopes of giving more visibility to alopecia.
Spreading information about alopecia gave Mia more confidence and self-esteem. Most people were not trying to be rude; they just didn’t know what alopecia was, and Mia could be the person to explain it. These goals to spread awareness eventually led us to the Children’s Alopecia Project (CAP), a foundation focused not on finding a cure for alopecia but instead on spreading awareness and creating confidence for kids. Thanks to CAP, Mia got to meet other girls her age with alopecia, I met the brothers of those girls, and my parents met their parents. We found a place that showed us Mia was not the only one. CAP helped Mia embrace her identity as a girl with alopecia with courage, and pride. This is why we decided to team up with CAP to expand the foundation to Mexico. Mia became the role model she needed for other Spanish-speaking kids, and thanks to her, many of them were able to accept themselves just the way they looked. I will never forget the time when one of the girls Mia was talking to decided to take off her wig for the first time in front of her school, in big part thanks to my sisters’ encouragement. My family managed the Mexico foundation for a very long time, but unfortunately, we never had the reach we wanted, which is why eventually we stopped. Still, during that time we were able to educate a lot of people on alopecia, and how beauty doesn’t rely on looks.
Time has passed, and Mia’s relationship with alopecia has evolved differently. She now wears wigs sometimes because it helps avoid uncomfortable looks when she goes out and because she likes how she looks with hair too!!! But unlike when she was very little, she doesn’t use them because she feels like she is not beautiful. She KNOWS she is beautiful with or without hair, wig, or no wig. Mia has done amazing things with her life, and even though it’s still hard for her to deal with alopecia, she has never let her condition get in the way of her adventures. She has friends, she parties, she kisses boys (yuck), and she just went on a 10-month journey in a sailboat across the world. She knows that what makes her different makes her herself, and especially, that being herself is what makes her awesome!!! My sister has taught me so much about courage and not letting anything make you feel like you don’t belong. Maybe a cure will be discovered, or a bald woman will be as normal as any other. But even if that never happens, Mia knows exactly who she is, and that is good enough.
September is alopecia awareness month, which is why I’m writing this blog. For anyone who is reading this, you are beautiful just the way you are, with hair or no hair. Short, tall, skinny, or not. It doesn’t matter what other people think because true lasting beauty begins and stays in the heart. If you or anyone you know has alopecia and might need some support, contact CAP, they did a lot for our family!!! To end this blog, I want to leave some words from my sister Mia:
“Growing up with alopecia is not exactly easy, I’ve been called many names, and been told many hurtful things just because I have no hair. It is not easy, and even for me I’ve grown up with the support that I have, there are days that are harder than others. But if you ask me if I would change anything, I wouldn’t, I think my alopecia is part of who I am today. And it has shown me to be strong, and that even if days are hard, I am beautiful no matter what I look like. With or without hair. My wish is that I can help people realize that beauty goes beyond looks, rather beauty is within us. If you need help, reach out, and talk to those around you. If you see someone that looks different than others, be respectful, don’t assume. Ask, and be kind. Defend others when they are not being treated correctly. Be the change, we all have the power to be so, but it’s not going to happen until we believe it ourselves.” – Mia Godoy
Thank you for reading, and let’s spread kindness around the world!!! – Iñaki Godoy
We have the power to be the change and this entry in the blog is an amazing way to do it.
A big hug.
Your post and Mia’s story touched thank you for the good you do around you, you must not realize it, long life to your sister
Grande Iñaki!! Que lindo escribís. Saludos!
Esto debe ser reconocido y leído por todos, a veces no nos damos cuenta porque están pasando las personas, opinamos y juzgamos sin ni siquiera darnos el tiempo de conocer la historia de las personas, tener conciencia y ser amables con todos debería ser algo que todos tengamos bien en claro ya que nosotros solo vemos una parte de esa persona no conocemos por lo que pasó ni como se siente, criticar sin conocer está mal, me gustaría que esto llegue a más personas y sepan que no están solos siempre habrá alguien que te quiera escuchar y si no quieres hablar, está bien pronto todo pasará y sabrás que todo lo que pasaste valió la pena y esas personas que hablaron de ti ni siquiera importará, lo que realmente importa es que tú estés bien contigo mism@, la belleza está en tod@s y todo debemos saber eso
Your sister is a precious gemstone
And you and your mother polished that gem stone. Without both of you, she wouldn’t be as comfortable as she is now. I pray your family always remains to be this close because I only sense love coming from you all
You’re a good man. A good brother. A great actor.
Hermano se me salieron unas lagrimas con el este post
les envio un gran abrazo desde Ecuador <3
Espero que Mia siempre la pase bien y que no se rinda por sus sueños!! saludos mia eres lo maximo , haz llegado muy lejos y la meta aun sigue entiendo el camino que haz recorrido con la alopecia pero que eso nunca impida que afecte tu personalidad la belleza empieza desde el corazon <3
saludos iñaki y Mia cuidenseee los quiero!!!
I love this. So encouraging, warm-hearted and honest. Helpful for everyone who feels different.
Inspiring! Thank you for posting this Iñaki! More way to go ❤️
Thank you for sharing a piece of your family’s journey, Iñaki. The love and support that Mia has is unreal, and knowing that helps me understand where her will of steel cokes from. You both make an excellent point—beauty comes from within. That being said, you are a beautiful family! Sending many blessings to the Godoy’s!
This is so beautiful Iñaki. And thank you for sharing your story with us Mia. Your story inspires me to keep striving to find my self worth and confidence in who I am (at the ripe age of 28).
Thank you!
Kind regards
such a sweet and inspiring story 🙂 it’s nice she had a supportive environment growing up!!
Mia you are a wonderful woman. And your brother loves you too much! It’s so beautiful. Kisses from Brazil.
I am Deeptesh Sagar (from India)…i am 18 years old…When I first saw that there is going to be a live adaptation of One Piece, I was little disappointed because I thought who never saw one piece(anime) is not going to understand the feeling I got while watching it, but when it was released, I started watching it and at first i thought that it is short but after I watched all episodes, I understood that there is nothing wrong in it…i loved every character(specially luffy)… All the characters are perfect as anime. After I watched season 1, I saw your insta and other too…i liked your personality in real life too,it is similar to luffy you know😂. So, I started following you and then I saw this post about your sister… I liked what you wrote there on insta…So i came here to see it and after reading it all, I feel the same as you and I liked your sister’s thoughts too….and now I think I will follow you forever🙌🙃…Love you brother❤…Sorry for broken English😅…i learned english by myself this much🥲…Keep making all the coming seasons of one piece🤗…
I was deeply moved by what you shared about your sister and her struggle with alopecia. You clearly have an immense amount of empathy and compassion for her, and it’s wonderful to witness the love and support that you and your family have provided for her. It’s admirable how you all have rallied around her, sharing your collective experience to help others. Your message of self-acceptance and resilience is truly inspiring. Thank you for spreading awareness and support not only for your sister, but for individuals who may be going through similar struggles.
hi iñaki~ ! i hope you’re having a good day.
i’ve been reading your blog and shared journeys for a while, but this one in particular really hit me in a positive way. i don’t know you personally but from what i’ve seen, you’re really such a genuine guy and i feel like you always make everyone around you happy and comfortable. you’re a great friend, son and brother. i’m happy to know that your sister grew up around people who support her and love her no matter what. i admire her a lot! and i admire you and your family for giving her endless support throughout the years. thank you so much for taking your time to share such a personal and heartfelt journey of you and your sister. i hope you can share more of your journeys and adventures, i’d be glad to read them all~ your words and your way of thinking inspire me a lot. especially because we’re the same age! you and the rest of the casy have done such a good job with the live action. iñaki, i wish you the best~ hope you can get more exciting projects in the future, i’ll definitely be there to support!
La historia de superación de tu hermana es admirable, y también lo es que haya ayudado a tanta gente alrededor del mundo a saber convivir con la alopecia y a quererse a sí mismas por encima de todo. Ambos sois unas personas maravillosas, os merecéis lo mejor 🤗
I enjoyed reading through this, love it! It’s such an eye-opening. Thank you, you’re the best brother Mia could ever asked for!
Dios mio iñaki, mía es un ejemplo a seguir para todos, independientemente si tenemos alopecia, ansiedad, o cualquier enfermedad, también destacar lo buen hermano que eres, lo del baño… simplemente al leer eso eh comenzado a llorar, pues yo solía encerrarme en el baño, mirarme en el espejo y preguntarme a mí misma, tanto asco doy? Pues los niños pueden ser muy crueles y a mí decidieron hacerme bullying y llamarme de todas las maneras asquerosas posibles, muchas gracias por cuidar tanto a mia, leer todo esto ah sido un placer, mucho amor para ambos
You’re an amazing actor I believe in you and you’ve made me believe in myself a lot more thank you and good luck. Also I love you as Luffy.
hi kiki and sister, i was so touch by your story. i’m glad that you both happy for everything. Inaki, i’ve been watch One Piece LA, and i love every single move that you made! wish we can meet someday. I love you ♥️
Omygosh I love how supportive and kind you are to your sister, your sister is beautiful.
You both are beautiful souls ❤️ God bless.
No tenía idea de que existía la alopecia, y me gusta leer sobre esto, ya que ahora estoy más consciente de lo que pasan otras personas. Ser mujer es muy difícil, llevo 20 años viendo como es crecer siendo mujer, y no es nada fácil, siempre te tienes que adaptar para que no hablen de ti, y aún encajando en los estándares de belleza, siguen hablando. No me imagino lo que ha de haber sentido tu hermana con todas las miradas sobre ella, y desde muy pequeña, pero estoy muy feliz que a pesar de eso, ella no se quedó apresada por la situación, si no que junto a personas similares a ella, para que nadie sienta que está solo. Gracias por informar sobre la alopecia, y si es que llegas a ver esto, dale un abrazo muy fuerte a tu hermana de mi parte 🙂
What an amazing story – your sister is really setting an example and sounds like a great human being. Also – and I am not sure if I should say this – she is actually looking great without the wig. I’d kill for that head-shape and would personally not hide it 😀
Antes habia escuchado algo sobre la alopecia, pero desconocia tanta informacion que hoy nos brindaste, tu hermana es una mujer muy valiente, porque sigue adelante y no solo porque la apoyaran, sino porque ella tuvo el valor de aceptar las cosas y luchar, eso es demasiado admirable mucho enserio.
Se nota que es tu hermana tiene buena vibra y es muy fuerte como tu, pero sobre todo ella es muy hermoza, cuando la vi en tus fotos sin saber que tenia alopecia, me sorprendi porque es muy bella, pense que ese era su look, porque si le cae lindo, ella ya es linda, ni el pelo, ni el cuerpo, ni la cara, nada importa, ella es muy hermoza por si misma, como dijiste ella es Unica ♡ saludos Iñaki te admiro brother, ahora veo que no eres el unico Godoy con talento, ella facil podria ser modelo ♡ Mia hazta su nombre es hermozo.
Oh, my!
Thanx for sharing this… ‘cause people need to know how, sometimes, are really REALLY rude or unkind!
And alopecia exist!
People need to know that alopecia exists and is not to be avoided!
You are a very kind creature and your sis is lucky to have you by her side and YOU are very lucky to have her by yours! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! BOTH OF YOU!!!
And… oh… YOU ARE A PERFECT LUFFY!!!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
from Italy
What an inspiring story!! Thank you for sharing it with us, Iñaki and also to your sister Mia. I’m not really aware of what alopecia is but thanks to this blog, I was able to know it, therefore I will keep this mind ❤️
Your sister is very brave, strong, and beautiful. I admire the strong bond you and your sister have for each other. She’s really blessed to have you by her side in ever battle she may face. Thank you for sharing her story. Her story brings inspiration and motivates us to become better people. Your support for her brings warmth to the readers hearts and inspires us to be more kind and supportive to people especially those who have special needs. May you continue to be a candle in this world that shines light even on the darkest days this world may bring
I have no other word than thank you. Its such a beautiful speech and i hope that it bring a little bit of love in people’s heart.
Beauty is unique , be kind to everyone. 🫶🏻
What a beautiful and inspiting tale! 🥺❤️ Happy birthday to your sis Iñaki. Happy birthday Mia.
Your sister is such a beautiful shining light and I love following her adventures on Instagram! Powerful to hear about your family’s journey and all the advocacy and education you’ve done over the years to make others feel seen and heard and accepted – just the way they are. Xx
Gracias por compartir esto 🫂♥️
this is truly a beautiful and inspiring piece of writing!
You guys are so precious! I’m feeling dazzled just reading this. Congratulations for your journey until here, and I hope with all my heart that other people stop looking down others just for the way they look.
The “For anyone who is reading this, you are beautiful just the way you are, with hair or no hair. Short, tall, skinny, or not. It doesn’t matter what other people think because true lasting beauty begins and stays in the heart.” touch me more, ’cause I have the bad habit to harsh myself every time for no reason. Thanks for that!
Kisses from Brazil!
Very inspiring, now I will be more confident and not think of myself as ugly anymore. I’m beautiful in my own right, I cried reading Mia’s story, she was very inspiring and I shed tears haha! but thanks Iñaki and Mia, you guys have made me feel confident and inspired. love for you two💟💟
This is so well written. Your sister is such a strong and beautiful lady ❤️ And she’s lucky to have such a caring brother✨
Mia is gorgeous!!! I am very glad that she found beauty in her uniqueness as well as a welcoming community. Your family’s support is also heartwarming!! She is very lucky to have such wonderful people by her side 😀
Ella tiene un super poder, se que inspirará a mucha gente porque yo me sentí así, inspirada, y actualmente hay un poco más de muñecas con nuestros diversos cuerpos y rasgos pero, crecimos con la idea de que así como son las princesas y muñecas debemos ser, en lugar de amarnos y aceptar todas las formas de belleza, hasta llegamos a despreciar nuestros cuerpos, me impresiona la cantidad de personas que modifican sus rostros y cuerpos tantas veces para llegar a lo “estándar” y aún así muchas veces no nos aceptamos del todo, porque creo que primero es amarte y comprender que lo natural es hermoso también, que somos más que apariencia, seres complejos… Ojalá pronto veamos en cine y tv a una princesa o heroína sin cabellera, porque las hay en la vida real y las habemos también en todas formas, tamaños y colores, porque la belleza es tan diversa y subjetiva, seamos empaticos y amemos más 🩷
this man is a pure angel
I was so happy to read this, besides Mia being strong her whole childhood now she helps other people through this difficult time in life, Mia grew up strong and beautiful she is a great strong woman and warrior
I was very happy to read this, Inãki you are a good man for having helped your sister, Mia grew up a strong woman, warrior and very beautiful
You have such a beautiful heart and soul
This is such an amazing story! I’m glad Mia was able to feel comfortable because she truly is very beautiful.
Grande iñaki!!! Hermosas palabras!
Linda história de superação, nos ensinam a ser fortes e corajosos independente do que aconteça. Mia você é linda de todos os jeitos e o que importa é somente isso!! 💜
I knew next to nothing about alopecia until I read it a few times on her Instagram and follow Mia. She does a wonderful job of publicizing what it’s like to live with this condition and I believe that others, like me, are learning more about it and helping to spread the word. I wish a full and happy life for Mia and everyone else with alopecia.
Always count on me to spread this message and get it to the right people. Thank you for your existence, the most beautiful brothers in the world!
Ps: I saw them while walking around here in São Paulo after the Tudum event. I would have loved to have asked for a hug or an autograph, but I preferred not to bother them. I hope you come back to Brazil to visit us again. A super kiss! 🥰
You are só beautifil!!! And It is a great história o love!
Every women has beauty just the way they are
Your beautiful inside and out.
Primero Feliz cumple a Mia!!!
Segundo es admirable que hables de la experiencia de tu hermana y familia, para que otras personas que pasan por lo mismo sepan que no están solos!
Abrazo enorme desde Argentina!
Amazing Blog.Thanks for creating awareness about Alopecia.Both you and your sister are beautiful.
Smile makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter how you look.Keep spreading positivity.
Love the One Piece so much.What I learn from One Piece from Luffy is never stop believing yourself, never stop dreaming and keep your smile the brightest.
Everything is top notch in One Piece👌🏻🍃🌊 Eagerly waiting for Season 2.
Hey Mia , i’m Maria and i pray to god for you life , and that the cure will be found ! You,re very strong and your brother must be proud of you and you of him !
I really enjoyed this post. This journey has touched me and as an upcoming teacher this definitely helps me to better understand children that might be in my school some day. I love seeing people being empowered and conditions being normalized!
This is heartwarming! Thank you Iñaki and Mia for sharing this!♥️
Your words are filled with kindness. You are such a good person.
I love the bond you guys share🥹
Hola Iñaki!! Espero estés muy bien, escribo esto con lagrimas saliendo de mis ojos. Me meto a instagram y lo primero que aparece en mi inicio es tu post hablando sobre la alopecia de tu Mia, tu hermana. Jamás había conocido a un artista que le diera visibilidad a la alopecia.
Durante la mayor parte de mi vida tuve mi cabello normal, no tenía mucho y era muy delgado pero eso nunca me preocupó. A mis 11 años mi cabello empezó a caerse drásticamente, mechones y mechones sentía que se resbalaban por mi espalda mientras me bañaba, hasta que eventualmente, ya no tenía cabello en mi cuerpo. todo esto pasó en tan sólo dos meses, durante las vacaciones que daban en la escuela para navidad.
Cuando era momento de regresar de vacaciones navideñas a la escuela, decidí que no quería ir, no podía, así que me mantenía escondida, mi mamá me llevaba a la casa de mi abuela y me la pasaba encerrada en el cuarto de mi abuela con una sudadera que tenía gorro, siempre traía mi gorro puesto. Ni siquiera salía a la sala porque me daba terror que alguien pasara por la ventana que estaba enfrente de los sillones y me viera. Fueron dos meses en los que estuve completamente aislada.
Fui con cientos de dermatólogos y sí, tenía alopecia pero jamás me pudieron especificar que tipo de alopecia era, tomaba cientos de medicamentos y tratamientos… nada funcionaba.
Mi escuela me apoyó y me permitieron seguir desde casa con mis estudios, me mandaban los trabajos y exámenes y mi mamá los llevaba a la escuela. Hasta que me dijeron que ya tenía que ir a la escuela o perdería el año. estaba cursando sexto de primaria, así que lo único que quería era graduarme para cambiarme de escuela y tener un “nuevo comienzo”.
Me sentía tan frustrada y era incapaz de aparecer en la escuela sin cabello, así que decidí cursar lo que me quedaba del ciclo escolar con una peluca. Mi mamá lo fue todo para mi, soy de Mazatlán y mi mamá me llevó hasta Guadalajara a buscar un peluca que me gustara.
Regresé a la escuela un 14 de febrero, le pedí a mi mejor amiga que llegáramos juntas a la escuela porque estaba muy nerviosa para entrar sola. Cuando llegué, mis compañeros actuaron normal, obviamente sabían que algo me había pasado pero no preguntaban. algunos me hacían cumplidos pero después escuchaba todo lo que decían de mi a mis espaldas. Por alguna razón, desarrollé un mecanismo de defensa en el que no sentía nada, no recuerdo jamás haber llorado por esto más que al principio, y fue así como logré cruzar la primaria.
Mi cabello creció pero lo máximo que crece son 5-8 cm aproximadamente. Cuando terminé la primaria estaba harta de la peluca, así que cuando entrara a la secundaria decidí que iría con mi cabello así de corto.
Habían comentarios, muchos trataba de tomármelos como humor, por ejemplo, una muchacha me decía que me parecía a eleven de stranger things y aunque sabía que lo decía por mi cabello, lo tomaba como un cumplido. Pero también estaban algunos comentarios hiriente e incluso hacían rumores sobre si tenía cancer o me llamaban “la pelona”, que no tiene nada de malo pero para mí era un tema muy sensible.
Me sentía culpable por sentirme mal por no tener cabello, yo me decía a mi misma que solo era cabello y que estaba bien, pero no podía evitar sentirme mal por eso. Sentía que mi alopecia era tan superficial porque solo era cabello, dentro de todo, estaba sana. Pero no es así como piensan las personas cuando se burlan o hacen comentarios hirientes.
Durante mi secundaria, jamás me sentí atractiva, odiaba verme en fotos pero aún así, reprimía todos mis sentimientos.
En preparatoria fue cuando empezó pandemia, me dio mucho tiempo para pensar y estaba feliz de que no tenía que enfrentarme a ir a la escuela. Otra vez, podía aislarme.
Hasta que la pandemia terminó, lo que significaba tenía que regresar a clases y volver a salir de mi casa. Antes de la pandemia ya estaba acostumbrada a las miradas, murmullos y risas, pero estaba harta, no podía ir a la preparatoria con mi cabello corto porque no me lo permitía yo misma.
Así que comencé a usar extensiones, las usé por un año, pero mi cabello es delgado, corto y sensible, así que las extensiones me destrozaron por completo el poco cabello que tenía.
Estaba tan asustada porque no quería ir a la prepa con mi cabello, volví a revivir este trauma de la primaria y muchas veces pasó por mi cabeza dejar la escuela.
Desde la primaria que usé peluca, me quedó un trauma gigante con la palabra peluca, cuando alguien decía “peluca” se me revolvía el estómago y se me llenaban los ojos de lagrimas. Hasta que un día, después de varios años, cuando me encontraba en la prepa, me pedí una peluca por pura curiosidad y sorprendentemente me sentí increíble, le perdí el taboo que yo misma le había puesto a la simple palabra “peluca” y decidí que empezaría a usarlas.
En segundo de prepa, me presenté con mi peluca, nadie se dio cuenta y por fin sentía que me trataban normal. Aún así seguía siendo una persona muy solitaria por todo lo que me había sucedido en el pasado pero me empecé a sentir bonita.
A pesar de eso, caí en una profunda depresión debido a que todo eso que había reprimido durante 6 años de mi vida estaba saliendo a flote. Fue un momento difícil pero lo superé, aun sigo yendo a terapia pero por fin pude dejar mi tratamiento psiquiátrico.
Me enamoré de las pelucas y las uso por mi y porque a mi me hace sentir bien, dejé de pensar en la gente y fue lo mejor que pude hacer. Aún así, aún me cuesta decir abiertamente que tengo alopecia, aún después de 7 años tengo miedo de compartir el post que subiste de alopecia por más que me haya hecho llorar de agradecimiento.
Mis amigas más cercanas saben sobre mi alopecia y no me avergüenza, es una parte de mi que la comparto cuando me siento con la suficiente confianza con una persona. Antes sentía que le debía explicaciones a las personas del por qué no tenía cabello o el por qué usaba peluca pero ya no.
La mayor parte de las personas no se dan cuenta que uso peluca y tampoco me siento con la necesidad de decirles. Es algo en lo que sigo trabajando después de tantos años, pero trato de verlo como algo especial en mi, algo que comparto cuando alguien es tan valioso y especial para mi que quiero compartirle esta parte tan vulnerable y difícil de mi vida.
Te amo Iñaki, con todo esto, solo quería agradecerte por ese post en instagram y este hermoso blog, te admiro a ti y a tu hermana. Gracias por usar tu plataforma para darle visibilidad a la alopecia, jamás había visto a un artista que hablara de esto y no pude evitar explotar en lágrimas cuando vi que tú lo hiciste. No lagrimas de tristeza, sino de agradecimiento.
Ya que, durante los momentos más difíciles de mi alopecia, no hubo nada ni nadie que hiciera visible este tema, nadie que compartiera ni siquiera un post sobre esto o que lo mencionara. Nadie estuvo para decirme esto desde que estuve sexto de primaria hasta primero de prepa.
No hubo nadie como Iñaki para mi en ese entonces. Estoy segura de que ese post de insta y este blog le ayudará a personas que como yo en aquellos tiempos, necesitaba palabras como las que tú y tu hermana escribieron y necesitaba esa visibilidad que nunca se le dio a la alopecia, muchas gracias.
No me es importante si lees esto o no, solo sentí la gran necesidad de escribirte esto y agradecerte. El post y tu blog, ya son suficiente para mi y créeme que significa mucho para mi y todas las personas que luchan con la alopecia todos los días. Te amo y espero sigas siendo muy exitoso siempre, gracias.
Melissa, claramente eres bella por dentro y por fuera eso tu lo sabes y tu eres la unica que te puede juzgar a ti misma y creo que hoy te das cuenta de eso. Ojala y el ejemplo de Mia te ayude a ir cada vez dejando atras esos sentimientos y pensamientos que tienes con respecto a la Alopecia. Al fin y al cabo eres unica y has salido adelante con esta enfermedad asi que nunca te olvides de todo lo vivido que te ha hecho llegar a ser quien eres hoy. Abrazo
Mia is not strange or different from other people; she is simply a very normal and beautiful human being. Unfortunately, the world is not yet ready for many things that should actually be considered normal. I don’t think it’s just cruelty, but sometimes also ignorance. I have two friends who suffer from alopecia, and since I met them, I’ve never thought they were different from me or that they had something strange. This is because I grew up in a family that always taught me not to judge or distance myself from someone “different” from me. I was born in Sicily and have been living in northern Italy since I was 10 years old. I had classmates who teased me just because my skin color was a little darker than theirs. It’s absurd, but instead of isolating myself and closing up, I confronted this issue because I didn’t want to be different cause I’m not! In conclusion, I want to say that you are a fantastic family and provide each other with indescribable support. Keep it up, send a positive message to the world! You have all my support and admiration. Mia, you are a beautiful princess! I apologize if there are any spelling errors, but English is not my strong suit. Love, Giorgia
llore al leerlo verdaderamente hermoso lo que quieres transmitir , que hermoso debio ser al escribir esto ,feliz cumpleaños mia gracias por exisitir <3
She is very beautiful
i cried so much reading this! What you wrote about her story is so beautiful, she’s is a strong girl!! Thank you for this, really.
There are many diseases and conditions that make people insecure about themselves, this should not affect them because each one is perfect in different ways and forms, you have to know how to support and learn from them.
Hay muchas enfermedades y condiciones que hacen a las personas tener inseguridad sobre si mismas, esto no deberías afectarles porque cada uno es perfecto de diferentes maneras y formas, hay que saber apoyar y aprender de ellos.
Feliz cumpleaños hermosa Mía!!!🎉🎉🎉
Un abrazo enorme Iñaki, amé tu texto 😘!!
Hi Mia
Sending you all big huge hugs from New York!! Thank you so much for sharing this and continuously raising awareness alongside your sister and family! Beauty does really come from within as opposed to just what the outside looks like and what other people deem “beautiful”. This really made me tear up because I can relate in a sense but I’m so glad Mia stays true to herself and knows how beautiful and strong she is. It really is true that representation matters in every sense, I’m Mexican American so I see myself in you both so much and I really appreciate it more than you’ll ever know :’) Les mando saludos y fuertes abrazos!!
Hola Mia, eres encantadora tal como eres, que nadie te diga lo contrario. Eres un gran luchador y tienes un gran hermano.
oh my god, just reading this my tears are flowing…
we are the same age Mia, even this is the first time I see you.
when I looked at your Instagram account, I thought you were a model. you are beautiful, talented and cool!
mia let’s hug away, I want to hug you and whisper in your ear that you are beautiful just the way you are!!
you have a great brother and a great family! stay healthy Mia.
Hey Luffy our captain! please take care of Mia okay hehehe
I love you Mia & Kiki, keep spirit and follow your dreams!!!
Fue muy lindo conocer momentos tan importantes en tu familia, y me pareció una persona tan bella y fuerte Mia, que dulce eres como hermano ♡ Ánimo a los dos
Eres grande, capitán! Y Mia todavía más! Que sigan repartiendo amor y amabilidad por el mundo, cosa que tanta falta hace.
Precious! Y both!
Thanks alot for sharing such a beautiful story❤ “Beauty is beyond looks” I’ll remember this precious words of Mia forever. She’s indeed beyond beautiful and the bond of unconditional love you two share as siblings have given me an indelible reason to love you more<3 She's a strong woman and blessed with a precious brother like you🙌God bless you both and make you stronger everyday❤ Live life to the fullest just like our precious Luffy😊
Beautiful, brave and sorely needed in this world. Moved by everything I read, I am emanating the best energy from Brazil to you!!! The world doesn’t know how to deal with precious, you and your brother are. I wanted to say that I really admire your initiative, your strength, everything about you for having gone through things that only you saw, felt and the like… IÑAKI I love you so much, see? ❤️🇧🇷🇲🇽
happy birthday Mia, you’re a beautiful strong girl!!!❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉
Loved your blog post, it was really insightful and I learned a bit more about alopecia that I didn’t know before. Beautiful read Inaki & Mia!!
I’m so glad you and your sister have come to be such amazing human beings! I know it can be hard, especially for a kid, to look different from their peers… but you guys are a great exemple that being different and unique is what makes us truly beautiful! Lots of love for you, thank you for being an inspiration for us! I wish you all the best in this journey!
No pude evitar llorar en verdad, muchas veces cuando vemos a alguien diferente a nosotros nos sorprendemos y sin querer tal vez herimos a esa persona, mía es una persona tan maravillosa y valiente porque a pesar de la inseguridad que tenia sobre si misma lucho para que otras personas no se sintieran igual que ella, Se que ella ayudará aun más a muchas personas y las inspirara. ❤️
Que inspirador, ambos son una personas extraordinarias. Mis mejores deseos para ustedes. ✨️💕
Thank you Iñaki, thank you Mia, you’re both the best examples of human beings and I’m so thankful for you taking time to educate us, I can assure you it will not go to waste
Spreading awareness it’s a first step that you can count on me to take part into, I’ll be glad to share Mia’s story to those around me!!
Feliz cumpleaños Mia!!!
Good bless for your Family and Especially to your sister..❣️❣️❣️
Sending Love from the Philippines.
I was encountered that before when I was young, actually my hair totally lost without knowing the reason and I’ve got many wounds all over my head. But we don’t have to go on the hospital before because we don’t have enough money. But in the end of the day , in God’s Grace he completely cured me my wounds are already healed.
Feliz cumpleaños Mia! 🎉🎊🎉
Disfruta tu día 🙂
Disfruta a toda esa hermosa red de soporte que tienes
Pero sobre todo, disfruta el camino que estás recorriendo.
This heartfelt story about Mia’s journey with alopecia is a beautiful testament to resilience, love, and the power of self-acceptance. Mia’s courage in embracing her uniqueness and becoming a source of inspiration for others is truly admirable. It reminds us that true beauty comes from within, and that kindness and understanding can help create a more inclusive and compassionate world. Mia and her family’s dedication to spreading awareness through CAP is a wonderful example of the positive impact one person can have on the lives of many. May their story continue to inspire and encourage others to embrace their true selves with confidence and pride. That being said, thank you for writing this. You are a beautiful soul.
Que bonitas palabras ✨️ Me encanta la sección de fotos de tu hermana ✨️ Saludos desde Puebla ✌️
hbd to mia!!, she is so strong for supporting all the bad comments or things some people has made to her to hurt her feelings, we are all with her and with those who have this condition, you have a great brother and always remember that you are beautiful just the way you are! kiki you are such a good brother 😭💗
Es impresionante cómo te has apropiado de la lucha de tu hermana para hacer conciencia sobre esta enfermedad que la viven muchas personas al rededor del mundo. Hasta antes de leer el blog no sabía lo que era la alopecia o cómo la llevaban las personas que la sufren, muchas gracias Iñaki🥰
Ojalá más personas consientizaran o educaran esto ,gracias gracias
Esto es maravilloso Iñaki muchas gracias por compartir tu historia y la de tu hermana, ella es muy fuerte, igual que tu 🥰. Muchos abrazos a ti y a tu hermana. 💕😘
” If we were all to look the same, there would be no excitement in life. No conversation. No diversity”- luna
If hair were to truly be important, God would have given everyone an equal amount. Hair is simply a attire worn in different ways by different people. To have hair means nothing. To not have hair means nothing. The inside of a person truly counts and is shown through the brightness of a person’s smile, eyes, and face. Because our society is based on capitalism (shocker I know lol), it tends to put more emphasis on physical appearance such as hair, eyebrows, body types, etc. Our society does this so that people can think that these outer things about us are so important that if it doesn’t look like what we see on tv, then there is something wrong with us. This leads to people spending a bunch of money to get doctors to give them surgeries to look like what they see online. There is no surgery that can brighten a persons face or make a personality desirable. In the end of the day, I am glad you and your sister realized at an early start that hair does not define you, nor does your body. Characteristics define you, and as you age, characteristics are the only thing that stays with you. I wish our society would move away from stereotypes, but it probably wont. Simply because our society loves dinero most of all. But, it is people who can spread awareness and accept who they really are. With this acceptance there can be a blossoming of acceptance in our society that stands firm in the soil amidst the internet fertilizer that tries to kill it.
Your virtual writing friend from across the sea,
Luna 🙂
P.S: Sometimes it hard for women to win. They get judged for too much body hair and judged for too little body hair. People have to realize that hair is just an aesthetic that isn’t important, it is simply a preference for some people, and an annoyance to others.
“Live your life according to your own perceptions, and not according to what society wants to make you believe the true way of living is” – Luna (Still trying to figure out that blog that i’ll comment for support when I get the chance to make it lol)
Mia is so beautiful inside and out and im giving her a virtual hug for being such a big inspiration!
You’re a great brother. Thank you for sharing your sisters story. I have alopecia as a symptom from polycystic ovaries (PCOS). I like that you’re using your platform for awareness. Much love from all the way in the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago.
Iñaki eres una persona sorprendente al igual que tu hermana, ser diferente no está mal y este blog visibiliza muy bien eso, espero tu hermana siga ayudando a los demás, sus palabras son muy bonitas y aunque no tengo alopecia, me tuve que rapar hace un año y en verdad es difícil como cambió la forma en la que los demás me veían y como yo empecé a verme, aunque no todo es físico te puedes deprimir y más si eres una chica porque ni siquiera está muy bien visto una chica con el cabello muy corto. Me parece muy empático y espero Mia esté bien, se ve alguien muy alegra a pesar de lo que ha pasado, que bien que visualizen este tipo de cosas.
Espero nunca dejes de tener esa esencia que te identifica y que sigas alegrando a las personas con lo que haces, me encantó tu papel como Luffy y puedo decir que me alegró incluso pasando un mal momento porque ya casi tengo 16 y la semana antepasada me accidenté, así que me alegro mucho ver un live action tan elaborado de mi seré favorita y como interpretaste tan bien el papel porque sentí lo mismo que al ver al Luffy del anime y la manera en que te pareces a Luffy y compartes muchos de sus ideales .
Tus acciones reflejan la persona que eres y como inspiras a las demás personas, gracias por eso porque también intentaré seguir mi sueño de ser animadora de películas y anime ❤️ saludos desde Colombia.
MIA IS SOOO PRETTYYY💕💞💕 more power to you girl❤️
This touched my heart deeply. Mia’s strength, her message of self-acceptance, and your family’s unwavering support are truly remarkable. Thank you Iñaki for sharing her story and for being a source of inspiration for others. Keep spreading the warmth and kindness you’ve shared through this post! 🤍
hai mia, terima kasih sudah lahir ke dunia, terima kasih sudah kuat, terima kasih sudah mampu bertahan sejauh ini. kamu hebat, kamu cantik, kamu indah.
inaki, terima kasih sudah menulis ini, kamu saudara hebat yang terbaik.
you are the best sibling❤️
solo dire que realmente amo y aprecio esta información desde mi cora.
Sé el cambio, todos tenemos el poder de serlo, pero no sucederá hasta que nosotros mismos lo creamos. 🫂
Graciassssss !! Mia Godoy por cierto ten un bonito cumpleeeeee precioso cumple años 💐.
Iñaki is such a cute silly goose, it’s amazing to know that he is also a supportive brother. I didn’t know anything about his family, but I’m so glad that he’s doing everything he can to support his sister. I knew a few things about alopecia, but I learned a lot by reading this blog. I will continue to support Iñaki and hopefully many more will too!! Saludos desde TEXAS, te queremos mucho 🧡‼️
Gracias por compartir tus pensamientos. Sinceramente yo no había escuchado sobre la alopecia, entonces me informaste bastante. Estoy de acuerdo en que no ha de ser fácil, pero creo que tu hermana es afortunada en tenerte así como eres afortunado en tenerla a ella.
Iñaki lo que has compartido es algo digno de admirar. Esto da fuerza y motiva a quienes padecen lo mismo. El mundo puede ser insensible ante lo poco común, pero existen personas que valoran a los demás por quienes son y no por cómo se ven. Este blog me ha tocado, DTB.
The love and care that you have for your own sister is so beautiful and courageous, i could’ only imagine how mia felt during her childhood. You guys rule!
En serio leer esto me hace tan bien, gracias por compartir su experiencia, los estereotipos de belleza me hicieron sentir tan mal durante mucho tiempo y a temprana edad. Se que duele, y pienso que Mía es increíble, fuerte y un ejemplo a seguir por luchar contra todo esto que es muy difícil. A veces uno decide cambiar para encajar. En mi caso yo tenía sobrepeso y me hacían bullying desde chiquita, gente grande y niños, cambié pero, en ese trayecto me dañé y sentía rechazo de mi misma, y aún teniendo los resultados que yo quería no era suficiente. Los comentarios no me ayudaban y encima empecé danza, nos decían que teníamos que estar delgadas e incluso nos aconsejaban vomitar, y otras cosas… muy fuerte todo y que lleva a los estereotipos y el daño a uno mismo. Pero a qué costo no? Como dijo Iñaki, hay que amarse por lo que uno es, porque lo más hermoso es lo que tenemos adentro y lo que podemos ser como personas, y si uno quiere cambiar porque quiere, es sin presión, a su ritmo. Cada persona es un mundo y debemos vivir felices sin presión social, sin juzgar nos, ni nada, simplemente ser nosotros mismos, con actitud y confianza. Feliz cumpleaños Mía, muchas gracias a los dos 🫂✨
Just wanted to say how refreshing it is to see someone blogging these days, even more so dedicating a post to his sister raising awareness of her illness. Much respect to you, your family and Mia and I hope this along side Mia’s blog raises as much awareness as possible and brings people together to support each other and people in similar situations. Although it’s 2023 and certain things are being normalized within different communities, growing up with Alopecia or any illness that deviates from the norm is in some ways harder now than ever. Ignorance can be brutal and the best way to fight it is by raising awareness!
Much Love From Italy
Thank you and Mia so much for sharing your story. I’m a school nurse at an elementary school and try to always help the kids embrace who they are. I’m gonna put up a pic of Mia in my office to remind them they are ALL beautiful, valuable and loved! Thank you so much for sharing so I can help my kiddos 🥰
Thank you and Mia so much for sharing your story. I work as a school nurse at an elementary school and am always trying to help the kids embrace who they are. I’m going to put up a picture of your sister in my office to help remind them they are ALL beautiful, valuable and loved. Thank you for helping me try support my kiddos!
Mia is so pretty ❤️
It is inspiring to know how strong and brave someone can be.
It touches me to know how lovingly her family has always supported Mia.
And I thought so from the first time I saw a photo of her, but she is beautiful and has a wonderful style, it is too aesthetic.
Hopefully the topic gets the recognition it deserves, and these words prompt me to go out into the world and be kind and empathetic about things that have never crossed my mind.
We love you, Mia 💕✨
you are beautiful Mia, come to Brazil I want to meet you😉, keep being the strong woman you are!
Increíbles palabras y que bonita manera de exponer conscientizar a la gente acerca de esta condición tan poco conocida. Mia es una persona increíble y los que tenemos el privilegio de conocerla sabemos que es una fuente constante de inspiracion y ejemplo a seguir. A su corta edad le ha tocado afrontar muchas mas juicios y criticas que las que puede llegar a vivir un ser humano en toda su vida y eso la ha hecho mas fuerte y valiente de lo que podamos creer.
Gracias a ti Iñaki y a tus papas que lograron darle a Mia ese apoyo incondicional que necesitaba para convertirse en esa gran persona que hoy afronta su alopecia con determinación y fuerza, su historia es un recordatorio poderoso de que no estamos definidos por la forma en que nos ve el mundo si no por la forma en que nosotros elegimos vivir nuestra vida.
Claro siempre habra personas estupidas que te puedan hacer dudar, pero nunca debes de olvidar que eres unica y que ninguna condicion fisica te debe de definir como persona ni tampoco determina lo bella y chingona que eres. LOS QUIERO MUCHO MIA E IÑAKI
Mia you are amazing. Such a strong spirit inside such a little girl ! It’s amazing to see how she’s been able to speak out with confidence even tho alopecia is an unknown condition in Mexico. I hope that now little girls with alopecia will be able to look up to you and will grow up to become strong women who love their shiny lil heads.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story. Mia, you are so precious 🙂
Hey Cap! It’s good to know you support CAP and your lovely sister. Her journey is more than ONE PIECE treasure.
RJ Pusa
Inaki you’re such a great person and I really appreciate people like you spreading so much positivity and making everyone realize that what makes one beautiful is not their looks but their hearts, I love that you’re encouraging people to embrace their looks and love themselves no matter what. And you’re sister is beautiful. Much love Inaki❤️❤️
I am so amazed by the wonderful human being you are and the amazing inspiration you have gotten from your loved ones! I am so thankful to have someone with such a warm soul giving life to Luffy. I am so excited to see what the future holds for you and with how much light your exude, I know you will do great things! Thank you for this wonderful message about loving yourself no matter what struggles you face with your physical appearance. Your sister is an amazing woman and that message resignates with so many! Happy Birthday Mia!
Mia is so beautiful and so lucky to have someone like you, Iñaki in her life. She’s beautiful the way she is and she doesn’t need to confirm that from anyone. 💗💗💗
Love this !
I’m sorry if I wrote something wrong cuz English is not my mother tongue (im from Brazil) but.. I loved this blog, you’re so kind about your sisters condition, like it’s really beautiful to see her family support her no matter what, it’s the most important thing, you know? When we have people who care about us I think it’s more easy to handle with hard things in life!! I’m happy to read that she could help other people (especially girls) with alopecia as well, representation is so important!! And I hope she could always see her beauty! Thanks for sharing this, Inãki!
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t an emotional reck after reading this, you’re such a supportive brother and I am honestly jealous of that, but Mia is such a strong woman, and her story is truly inspiring.
First of all, Happy Birthday to your sister Mia and congratulations to your family on your sister’s birthday!
It’s my first time reading your blog Inaki and I’m truly glad I did so. Thank you for spreading awareness about Alopecia and sharing your family’s story. I only knew about it in theory but not how it could affect a person’s life. I’m really happy to see how your sister and your family is helping people embrace themselves and feel good in their skin.
I truly feel that you have a beautiful and bright soul Inaki. Your words help connect people’s hearts and that is a great strength, thank you for sharing this wonderful blog. Keep up the good work and keep on dreaming!
I got to know you through Luffy and One Piece and I’m going to continue following you through your blogs.
Dear Inaki
First off, you did an amazing job playing luffy! You were BORN to play the role! Secondly, your post really means alot to me because my 4 year old son has alopecia universalis. He is the only one in his school to have it and it has caused us lot of worry for him and how he will adjust. We have mostly good days where he is really happy but one or two bad days due to a mean comment or weird looks.
I admire your family’s strength being so supportive with your sisters alopecia and this gives us a map on how we should be like with my son 🙂 Mia is beautiful and i really appreciate her efforts in talking about alopecia because it gives me an insight on what people with this condition really feel. Thank you so much really, hope your family will stay happy and healthy always
this was an incredibly touching read, especially regarding how someone’s appearance equates to how they’re treated by society, best wishes for both of you mia and kiki 🙏🏻🌷
That was beautiful 💙
Cheering for you and your sister! 💪🏻
¡Gracias por compartir su historia y concientizar sobre la alopecia! Es inspirador ver cómo enfrentan los desafíos con valentía y celebran su vida. ¡Feliz cumpleaños a tu hermana! 🎂🎉 Le deseo muchos más momentos felices en el futuro, llenos de luz tal y como ella.
Thank you for sharing Mia’s story and Happy Birthday Mia!
I suffered from alopecia at a later stage in my life and it’s been only three months. I am still having a hard time adjusting to it, either at work or in my social/daily life. Your blog has given me the courage to face whatever may come.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Hola Mía e Iñaki! Me llamo Valentina, tengo (casi) 18 años y soy de Colombia. Hace poco descubrí sobre tí Iñaki y tú increíble trabajo, así mismo sobre tí Mía y su historia en éste blog. Leyendo todo ésto, solo puedo decir que los admiro mucho a los dos: Mía por tu inmensa valentía durante todo tiempo y que sigues teniendo. Así mismo, la inspiración que das a las demás personas y seguir siendo tú misma con tu propia esencia. Gracias por no rendirte y ser quien eres. E Iñaki, también por tu corazón de oro que, aunque no los conozco realmente en persona y tal, se ve que ambos tienen. Por tu valentía también, tu empatía, tu iniciativa, por estar siempre para tu hermana y apoyar todos los proyectos y la concientización y por, sin importar las circunstancias, querer hacer de éste mundo un lugar mejor.
En resumen, el mundo necesita más personas cómo ustedes y le agradezco a Dios por personas tan maravillosas. Siento que son el tipo de personas que cualquiera amaría tener cómo amigos o familia! (Aprovecho para hacer mi solicitud de amistad a los dos jajaja😉).
Si un día se pasan por Colombia me avisan y con gusto les muestro lo que quieran y claro, que conozcan toda la comida deliciosa. Los invito a almorzar!! jaja.😄
Mis mejores deseos para ustedes y que Dios los bendiga❤️
Me gustaría decir que estoy muy feliz con la historia de tu vida y con cómo amas a tu hermana. Hoy en día todavía hay muchos prejuicios contra las diferencias. Crear este blog para compartir información y amor es precioso. Tengo una hermosa hija que es autista y sufrí mucho por comentarios crueles al principio. ¡Se me alegra el corazón al ver que todavía hay gente de buen corazón! ¡Feliz cumpleaños Mía! ¡Que tu vida sea tan maravillosa como tú! ¡Un abrazo! Soy de Brasil. ¡Siempre eres bienvenidos aquí! <3
MIA HERMOSA eres eres un ejemplo eh inspiración tqm.
This story was so beautiful and educational. It was truly an eye opener for me, but it also helped me learn more about alopecia and has also inspired me to help others in any way that I can. Mia es un ejemplo a seguir y espero que su historia ayude a muchas mas niñas para que se sientan seguras de si mismas, y también que sepan que la belleza es mucho mas que lo superficial. Mia, thank you for sharing your story and your experience, you are such an inspirational woman. I wish you guys nothing but the best and I hope happiness never leaves y’all’s sides.
This post is just so kind and heartwarming…
She’s a gorgeous woman and she’s so lucky to have a sweet and caring brother like you!
I’m glad your sister got the support she needed for really accepting who she is and what her persona represents. It inspires me to accept me for me, even if it’s difficult.
As someone who has lived with Alopecia since the age of 12, i can fully relate to Mia’s entire journey, and i can affirm that family support makes all the difference in our lives. Sending all my love to you and your sister!
inãki es un hermano tan lindo
Mayormente existen otras personas no son capaz de soportar tan siquiera la mitad de lo que ella a vivido, por eso es digna de admiración.
well I’m sorry my English is not very fluent so I apologize in advance. So, I’m writing a comment for the very first time in my life on a blog (I don’t feel stupid at all). In short, I myself experienced an inconvenience almost similar to your sister for an illness which had the opposite effect to alopecia (in case you didn’t understand, I have a little too much hair ). Long live the laser! But before that I had to go through this feeling of uneasiness where you have the feeling of not being a woman, where the nastiness rains down and where you isolate yourself to avoid people being able to see you until you did not resolve the problem. The funny thing is that I never had pimples and that I was always told that I had beautiful skin (when I was shaved of course) and between choosing between having pimples or beard I would at times have preferred pimples. Basically, to say that I understand what Mia may have experienced because I experienced it in a certain way, perhaps not for the same reasons, but all the same, the feeling we feel at the end of the day must be almost similar. . Because when we are a woman and we feel like a woman, we want to be looked at as such, not otherwise. Sorry if I’m a little clumsy in my words, I tried to give a testimony of sorts xD. Plus I realize that it’s so long that maybe no one will read me. But too bad, in any case I agree that physical appearance is not supposed to be the most important but who we are deep down is. So I’m going to finish my novel and I hope that lots of good things happen to you both.